In a time where the govt. and the opposition has been miraculously and consistently been able to rape India of whatever image of honesty it had, a new hope has risen for the citizens, one which they have latched on to with full gusto and the grip is only tightening.
The recent turn of events (Anna Hazare and Ramdev) have been quite interesting, to say the least. While our govt. leaders were busy covering up the mess from the CWG and 2G scam, a tsunami of public awakening hit them, this was only imminent but its not expected for our leaders to have a disaster plan in place before hand, so a no-one called Anna Hazare became the new synonym for Gandhianism, literally over night. But our govt. did what it best does, giving false hope so that they can continue molesting the tax payers while they continue to make an example out of India's GDP growth, which by the way is more to with the people than the govt. To digress here for a minute, I wonder why the govt. is so boisterous about about India's growth because all they did was take the power from their hands and give them over to the people of India (de-licensing).
To give the govt. some credit, they did learn a lesson from the Anna Hazare episode and played a a clever stroke in preempting another uproar in the shape of Baba Ramdev, which was only to be louder, given his eloquence and followership. But this too is coming off as a political sham (which it is but was not ought to shown) and not a 'legal' route piggy backing on Supreme Court's order.
But this is just the drama, the plot of the story is - corrupt govt., ineffective PM, doubtful and shady opposition (who have their own ghosts from past) and frustrated citizens. With the grim picture, let's be honest there is not much of an option for the people during elections. A choice between a ditch and a drain, on one hand is a fundamentalist party with a lustrous leader in the past but no bench strength and on the other hand a pseudo monarch party with lots to look forward to but also the one which has consistently managed to be of questionable integrity for almost 35 years now.
So who is the knight in the shining armor for the people, practically anyone who is willing to fast for them and has enough follower-ship to have media's attention. They are neo-leader of India who have taken the govt. by their throats and they are now visibly choking and panting. But, its not just them, its also the corporate leaders like Narayanmurthy and Ratan Tata who have won people's confidence (with a few blots) by doing what they do and giving what is needed, not money, but hope, a hope that a decent man can continue bringing bred to his home without having to rob some one.
These alter-leaders, like the alter-ego, have been always there but have recently started rising from slumber. Will the rise be of any avail ? Will any good come out of it ? Or will it be squashed by the conniving bastards at the helm ? this remains to be seen, but the signs look promising.